Here is a quick update on me.
I've included a video we took yesterday while the weather was nice. I walk around with the help of my pooh-mobile. I got the pooh-mobile for Christmas, and I really enjoy it. It plays songs, makes noises, and helps me get around.
I now have four teeth, two on the bottom and two on the top (with two more coming in)! I think these teeth will help ween me from some of the soggy foods and let me enjoy chewing a little more.
Here is an update with my folks. My mom was released from being the 1st counselor in the Relief Society today. I'm pretty excited about this, since she will be able to spend more time with me. My dad was hoping to finish up taking measurements for his thesis last week, but ran into a little snag. My parents are thinking about moving come July. Dad is looking for a job somewhere in Washington or Oregon. So far the options seem to be in Kennewick, Portland, and Bellingham. I'll have to keep you all posted.
Talk to you all later.
Hey Ben!! It is me Emily! Remeber me from way back when! I can't believe you have a kid, that is sooo cool, he is soo cute!